Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sucking out passion

Something about school just depletes my desire to do the things I love doing. I think that's why my major has changed so many times. I love doing things, but when it comes time to sit down and be taught these subject in a classroom setting, that interest disappears quickly. I already feel done with school in the second week. Although I think I could easily (and quite successfully) run a daycare center now. Of course, that'd require some sort of schooling. I guess this goes back to my earlier blog of who says school is required. I've seen some of the people at school, and on paper, they're fantastic, but in person, there's no way they can function as an interactive societal acceptance. Yet, you got a "C" here's your degree/certificate, here's my kid/food/car/life because you have the certificate saying it's ok.
I just don't understand how a degree can somehow mean more than a another person's experience when it comes to getting a job.
I guess this was really more of a rant than anything else. Thanks for the time.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Talk about on the move

So it's been a full year since the last time I entered this place. Since then, I've moved from New Hampshire, to California, to Tennessee. Within TN, I've moved around a lot. This year alone, I've had 6 or 7 different places I've lived. And now, I'm going back to sunny California. I've tried so hard to keep up appearances and expectations, mainly those I have of myself, but my job is just so uninteresting to me. I've realized that just helping people isn't really what motivates me in life. At least not how I had imagined. I've come to find that what truly makes me laugh and enjoy every day is a child. I need to surround myself with the lives of those who have yet to live their lives. I want to be a part of that enrichment, growing, learning process. I do help children sometimes now, but it's in such a roundabout way, and I can't get into disaster work. Especially when the encounters with youth can sometimes mean the end of that youth. I need to go back to where I can live with my baby (without actually having a baby) and finish my schooling in what I've always wanted to do, which is special education. It's been a roundabout journey, but I hope that the end is near and as fulfilling as I imagine it to be.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

eeveees geevees

the less i have to do, the less i seem to post. but i've actually been accomplishing some pretty sweet deals lately. made it on mtv to see john mccain. didn't get to ask my question, but hey, it's all good. it's all about the experience sometimes. he's a pretty legit dude. i'd suggest to anyone to check him out and see what he has to say about some things.
putting together a little day of action with some folks who are looking to be engaging/engaged in politics. rumor has it that a certain batman may or may not be attending. not the coolest one, but not the worst.
i feel like this is so much more update than anything else.
perhaps i will just start a new blog of all the fun new hampshire adventures i'm currently living out
living free man, living free.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

life free or die

welcome back to the granite state. In light of recent financial situations, I have once again relocated (convenient for my blog title) and am now in the process of trying to establish myself once again. My most hated task is the most reoccurent instance in my life. I hate moving, I hate reassimilation, I hate living off of other people, and I hate having absolutely nothing to do ALL DAY LONG. I've applied to a million jobs and must now play the waiting game. On the upside, I got to see Cesar and Becca and now get to hang with Eric if I so choose (something that I never thought I'd have so much fun doing). I haven't seen Becca pretty much since last Halloween, besides a few hours in NY for Thanksgiving. Plus it's fun to see her being crazy and aggressive. It was great to see Cesar since I didn't think I'd see him for umm.... about.... the rest of my life. Got to see Quinn too, which is always a silly time. Talked with some chill people, drank with some chill people, had a crazy basement excursion, and cleaned up straw for a good long while. What is in store for the upcoming months? Who knows, but there will definitely be some more moving involved. AmeriCorps has insaned my life indefinitely, but in a pretty cool way.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Who Decided

Why does society hold education in such high standard? Must I really attend school and get a degree to be successful? Unfortunately, yes. Perhaps not really unfortunate, but it does suck when people look down upon me for being 24 and just starting school. So what if I've decided to do other things with my life. Have I been living in a gutter, addicted to heroin? Have I been hanging out in jail for armed robbery? Have I been sitting on a couch playing video games for six years? None of these things, yet people seem to have some idea that if you don't go to school immediately after high school or sometime soon thereafter that you must have been doing nothing with your life. No college degree? And you're HOW old? Oh....I see....
If I could figure out a way to attend school without a whole lot of other people and in bouts, not straight through, then that would be ideal.
I have no clue what I'm talking about anymore again
I need to fix that somehow
Off to write more essays

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'm sorry, that's just not service

So yesterday had the makings of a wonderful day. Class was going to be spent doing trail work. That's always exciting. So we get to the nature preserve (80-some acres donated by some guy that liked the college. So now we own it for walks, reasearch, camping, snow fun, what have you) and we get our tools and walk up. It takes us a good hour to hike to the part that needs work (class is two and a half hours...math anyone??? that's right 30 minutes of actual work) and the guide spends a good five minutes explaining what we're doing, how to use the tools, etc. Finally I get to do something which was????? Raking leaves in the forest. Yeah. Service. And most of that was spent waiting for the guide ahead of us to find where we were supposed to be raking. THen we went back to the bus. Total time spent on "service trip" = 150 minutes. Total time "doing service" = mayyyyyyybe 20 minutes. And my favorite part, people complaining about the work we had to do. I think the lesson I learned was that of true self-appreciation, and gained new insight into what it means to give a year of your life to service. I can't wait til we go "camping" next week.

Mad Dash

That's my day in a nutshell. After going to bed at 4, waking up at 7, writing a paper, taking a shower, and reading half the Iliad by 9.30, I was going nuts. We did get to chill out in the lawn and make tea on camping stoves and talk about camping for class. That was a well-spent hour. After turning in my paper for the next class, I ran back to my room to finish the Iliad and write a new paper (only a page) for that with my short hour and a half. Then went to class, discussed Homer, and now, ironically enough, I have no worries til Thursday morning, and as long as I read the chapter and write my reflection, I'll be set. Now the task is to just see if I can survive without procrastination. We'll try cold turkey...see how it goes.