Friday, October 19, 2007

Who Decided

Why does society hold education in such high standard? Must I really attend school and get a degree to be successful? Unfortunately, yes. Perhaps not really unfortunate, but it does suck when people look down upon me for being 24 and just starting school. So what if I've decided to do other things with my life. Have I been living in a gutter, addicted to heroin? Have I been hanging out in jail for armed robbery? Have I been sitting on a couch playing video games for six years? None of these things, yet people seem to have some idea that if you don't go to school immediately after high school or sometime soon thereafter that you must have been doing nothing with your life. No college degree? And you're HOW old? Oh....I see....
If I could figure out a way to attend school without a whole lot of other people and in bouts, not straight through, then that would be ideal.
I have no clue what I'm talking about anymore again
I need to fix that somehow
Off to write more essays


Cesar said...

dude maybe cause your school is yo younginish. here at vcu there are lots of older students. and at gmu as well, plus older students are always more serious. don't even worry about them hommies. and i think im going to eric's so i hope to see you there

pamela katia said...

hi. don't worry. people are weird. i love that i find out about ceze's life through you.