Tuesday, December 4, 2007

eeveees geevees

the less i have to do, the less i seem to post. but i've actually been accomplishing some pretty sweet deals lately. made it on mtv to see john mccain. didn't get to ask my question, but hey, it's all good. it's all about the experience sometimes. he's a pretty legit dude. i'd suggest to anyone to check him out and see what he has to say about some things.
putting together a little day of action with some folks who are looking to be engaging/engaged in politics. rumor has it that a certain batman may or may not be attending. not the coolest one, but not the worst.
i feel like this is so much more update than anything else.
perhaps i will just start a new blog of all the fun new hampshire adventures i'm currently living out
living free man, living free.


pamela katia said...

maybe you dont need a new blog because its all life is just a huge transition anyway?

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